Coconut Oil-Benefits & Uses


As I have made the movement toward a more crunchy lifestyle, I have found that I am forever using coconut oil for pretty much everything. Due to the fact that I have a little obsession with this wonder oil I decided to dedicate a whole post to it!

Coconut Oil had a bad rep in the past due to its high saturated fat content which is about 92%, however most of the studies were done with partially hydrogenated coconut oil, which creates trans fats and is a big no-no. More recent research was done with virgin coconut oil and indicates that not all fats are created equal, not even saturated fats. This is because the saturated fat in coconut oil is lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid (MCT) that gives this oil a range of benefits when used both internally and externally. Coconut oil also contains vitamin E and capric acid which lend to its benefits as well.

Speaking of benefits lets get to that…

coconut oil benefitsSo as you can see, coconut oil is both a superfood and a work of cosmetic genius. I thought it would be beneficial to list the many ways I use CO since it may be daunting to figure out where to start incorporating this stuff into your life if you aren’t doing so already.

how i use it



Lip Balm- I keep a small amount of coconut oil in a travel sized container with a twist off lid and use it like I would Blistex, applying it with my finger.

Lotion- I whipped up a small batch of coconut oil in a blender with a few teaspoons of jojoba oil and it turned into a creamy lotion-like substance. When I went to use it a little while later it had firmed up a bit but not to its original hardened state. It was a creamy butter-like lotion that leaves my skin silky. I also noticed that it cleared up most of my keratosis pilaris (a minor skin condition that affects 50% of the population and resembles a rash of small bumps) after a few days and after doing some more research I found out that this is a popular outcome for those who have KP. I was thrilled! Even though the KP was never bad enough to truly bother me, I mean it was better at times and worse at others, but I always wished I could have nice smooth arms and legs as opposed to feeling like I was covered in chicken skin. This has helped a tremendous amount!

Eye Cream- I typically apply a small amount of CO around my eyes before bed. It has great antiaging properties and helps protect your skin from free radicals that may cause wrinkles. It is also super moisturizing and I have heard rumors that it does wonders for your eyelashes as well!

Hair Mask- Oooooohhh the wonders of this hair mask. Seriously though guys, if you have never given your hair a CO mask you don’t know what you are missing, or more accurately, what your hair is missing. This mask is super simple and the instructions can be found on this amazing blog, Almost Exactly. Your hair will feel like silk and it will be stronger, healthier and shinier than ever before.

Hair Smoother- I also use a teensy amount of coconut oil as a hair smoother if I see any flyaways or just plain craziness going on up on my head. It works great but just be careful not to use too much as it will leave you looking greasy.

Reminder! Please don’t slather coconut oil all over your face, I know some claims have stated that it can help get rid of acne but I have read of multiple other cases where it just exacerbates the problem and causes your facial skin to break out more.

If you want to read more on coconut oil check out these articles, I learned a lot from them and hope you can too!

Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

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